Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's getting real.

I've been working pretty hard on the photography thing lately. I have finished all my classes and I'm down to the last two projects. I've been racking my brain on one of the projects for weeks now trying to decide what to do. It's a still life project with the scenario being for an art gallery. I'm trying to stay away from anything that looks commercial, which is what my thoughts tend to drift back to. My artistic muse is spinning it's wheels. Definitely time to do some random, thoughtless, creative shoots that will kick-start my genius creativity.
I've done 5 studio shoots in the past week. All of which are sitting on an SD card waiting to be editted since my computer went in for repair a week ago. Do you know how lost it feels not having the computer? It's not like I don't have three other computers in the house. But that one is MY computer I do ALL my work on. But I can say, the Geek Squad at Best Buy have this wonderful tracker. I've tracked the progress on my computer every day. And it's finally been received, repaired, and shipped back to the store. I'm just waiting for it to reach the store and I get the call/notification that I can pick it up. Which will mean I will drop everything that day and go get it. HA!
I've also been working on getting my photography business up and running. Not that I wasn't already doing professional shoots. BUT...I have a studio set up now, as well as a light kit. I feel so professional. It's getting real. So, I spent yesterday morning taking inventory of all my equipment and props. I'm no where near done with this list. I just have a general version of it right now. But I have technical work to do as far as keeping track of serial numbers, etc. My files with equipment receipts, etc have been started. I've got a rough outline of the contract I will be using, as well as estimates, rights releases, etc. I also have business cards ready to be designed and printed. AND my portfolio is a constant work in progress. I need to have those shots printed and placed in this spectacular portfolio binder that I can thank my mother for (thanks Mom!).
I went through all the pictures I've done during photo shoots this weekend and I've realized how far I've come in just this past year. My compositions, poses, lighting, everything has gotten so much better. I'd like to say it's from the classes I've taken, but I think most of it has been through practice. And I'm so proud of myself and so pleased with how my shots are turning out now. Most of them in the last shoot, I will barely have to touch in the editting process. :) yay me!
here are a few for your viewing pleasure.... (all photos copyright Shari Shackelford 2012. Any use, copying, alterations, etc not authorized!)

Today is a beautiful day and I'm seriously considering going out to take some pics. That is once my arthritis meds kick in and I don't feel like I'm dragging cement blocks around with me.

Stay tuned for more of my photography business. And if you're local, send me a message and I'll get your session scheduled. ;)


Tuesday, February 7, 2012

10 for Tuesday

The weeks 10 random thoughts...

1) I've been working on a blog for a few days now about "my story". Actually it's titled "My Totem".  It will all be explained when I post it. But I am working really hard on it and hope to have it perfected in a day or two.

2)  It snowed today. We've gone all winter with very little snow. As compared to last winter when we were hit with blizzards and snowed in for days. I kinda miss a good snow. I say that now. And I may change my mind if it ever happens.

3)  The pup has been whimpering and whining for 3 days now. It concerns me. I want to think she's got a belly ache.  She got a little too much people food, which we normally don't give her. But occasionally give her meat to help her gain weight and help her fur. Maybe not so much in such a short amount of time from now on.

4)  It upsets me when the dog whimpers. It's like a baby cry.  And I don't know what to do to help her. :(

5)  The photo shoots have been few and far between lately. But that's okay. It's either too cold or rainy or something. Another reason I would like to see some snow. I need to do a snow shoot.

6)  GRAPHIC....squeamish....don't read!!!  I've been seeing the doc for some female issues that have been bothering me for quite some time now.  The hysterectomy I had years ago left me with one ovary. Which, i think is covered in cysts again. AND I think they're bursting. I've been in a lot of pain.  Ultrasound scheduled for next week. Hopefully I'll get some answers.

7) I am officially almost finished with my photography classes. I have one class left, then two final project/shoots. I'm really excited to get these done and finally have my certificate in hand.

8)  Is it sad it's not even 8 pm and I could seriously go to bed?

9)  My hubby finally sent for information to see if he qualifies for a PTSD service/therapy dog. :) I'll keep ya posted.

10)  I can't think anymore.