Sunday, August 7, 2011

Monkey Memories

I'm sure some people wonder where the "monkeys" came from. Those who know me and my family know we travel alot. Whether it's for military reasons or just personal reasons.  And you should also know we have a bunch of kids. Most people have heard of the travelling gnome.  Well, monkeys sort of suit our family a little better.  And at a birthday party at a bowling alley (in Kansas I do believe), these monkeys were obtained from one of the little machines kids put a quarter or two in and turn the dial.  Yes....I have cheap monkeys which are now priceless to me. 
There are 5 monkeys in our collection. They pretty much cover the personalities that my family members may portray at any given moment (well..not all of the personalities...but these are a good start). Which makes them work even better for us. 
So, since the monkeys have been in our family and have been on many road trips over the past several years, I'm going to do a recap of our family's trips and share some pictures and monkey memories.

*All images are copyrighted by me. They are not to be copied, saved, or used by anyone other than myself.

All the monkeys crossing into Missouri from Arkansas (or vice versa...I don't remember)

Having breakfast in Virginia with my daughter and my stepbrother

Breakfast Buffets are amazing!!! I recall we were leaving Virginia just after this pic was taken. Lots of crying.

At the cabin we rented in Tennessee.

Monkeys will always appear when someone falls asleep in the car


Camping at Country Stampede in Kansas.  It's like Woodstock for Country folk...or drunken college kids.

Our most recent road trip......On our way to see the Extreme Makeover Home Edition house in Ottawa Kansas

monkeys in Mississippi.  (i just wanted to type Mississippi.  Try's not that easy you know. Mississippi)

in Tennessee again. Who knew they named their pee spots after famous country singers. Oh for me.

On our way to Nashville.  rock on!!

Dreaming in St Louis.  i always like St Louis. it feels like halfway.

Forget the snow bunnies. We got snow monkeys in Missouri.

actually had KFC in Tennessee...but listening to the customers talk about their neighbors (Alan Jackson) was priceless!!

The important sustenance of any road trip

Don't forget toll road money in Florida!!!

Random daydreaming on the road shot

a few more random pics

And i'll leave you with Lost in Iowa.

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