I feel like a little Monday randomness. But does anyone really read my random stuff? Eh...who cares.
- My cat is so stinking cute. As I lay in bed, he usually is sitting beside me or curled up spooning with me. And when he wants my attention, he will take his soft little paw and pat me on the cheek or whatever is closest to him. EEE i love this!
Although, Charles got up to go to work the other day and was going to take a picture because the cat was sitting beside me and staring at my face as I slept. He said it was very Stephen King The Cat's Eye.
I wish he had gotten the picture. That's so creepy.
- I've been without arthritis medicine for three days now. Yes, I called in the refill but of course I waited too late to call it in and it was over a weekend. Bah! But at least I have it now. Today was the roughest of the three days. My legs, ankles, knees, and back have been horribly painful. Thankfully I'm laying down relaxing now in a warm blanket. Life is good.
- I've done alot of projects lately. I jazzed up a fall wreath for my front door. Finally got my fall/Halloween decorations out. And hubby has been building furniture like freaking Broyhill or something. So, I've been painting and adding my touch to everything. I've been working on this nightstand for a few days now and I'm just not feeling the distressing technique I used. So, I may be back to the drawing board.....or paint can I should say.
- I'm ecstatic that this week is a short week at work. It's Parent/Teacher Conference week so we're out of school on Thursday and Friday. Happy Day Happy Day! I can't wait!
- After all the stupid crap that had been going on with my hubby and his work, we've been trying to cut back some. In order to save money, we decided to have the cable turned off. GASP! I'm kinda freaking out a little over this. Today was the first day without it and it's so quiet here. I did get alot of project work time. But, still....I'm kinda freaking out. There's literallly NO T.V. None! Well...we do have Netflix. But only downstairs. Guess I'm going to have to get out the Lord of the Rings extended dvd collector's edition set and start watching them again. LOL $10 says hubby turns at least the basic cable back on after a week of Frodo and Gandalf. HAHAHA
- I honestly could go to sleep right now.
- I've been doing alot of homework/studying on my class & camera. I have a pretty big shoot coming up in a couple weeks and I'm trying to make sure I'm ready for it. I'm a little nervous. But it's going to be great! It'll definitely be a learning experience. I can't wait.
- I took the pup out for a walk this evening. She was so hyper I figured she needed out of the house for a bit. While out in the yard, she ran (at top speed) with the leash extended as far as it would go, in circles around me about 10 times. I felt like I was trotting a horse around. LOL
- Today's "Bests"
* Craft projects
* kitty paws
* 80 degree temps
* my bed
Try Hulu! They do have a subscription service but some of its free! Also don't forget specific websites.. I know A&E supposedly shows their stuff online and I'm sure some of the others do too! Enjoy your time off ;)