Sunday, November 18, 2012

Where has the time gone??

It seems just yesterday that we left Kansas and moved back home. We've gone through some challenges and struggles, but we are finally getting settled. We've closed on our home. I have a job. Life is becoming routine. Psh yeah right. Life is never routine around here. At least we try to have a routine.
I still have those moments that it all feels very surreal. Like we're really not here to live. Maybe just to visit. Even being in our home, it's home...but it's not quite reached the "home" feeling.

I still haven't even seen all of my family since we've been back. It's Thanksgiving this week though. I'm happy to say that I am taking over the holiday preparations again. It was always my holiday to host. When I moved away, I would occasionally host holidays at our house where ever we were. But this time, I'm back home and excited to squeeze the 29 - 30ish people into our small cozy house and pull out all my hostess tricks. It's what I love to do. So, we're gonna do it right. Not to mention, I have so many other things going on this week as well. In my true fashion, I'll be cleaning, and cooking, hosting, and taking care of appts, phone calls, and everything else that goes along with our crazy life now.

We were recently found eligible for the Caregiver program through the V.A. I'm still waiting on my training sessions to come through on email so I can do that and test. Then we'll have a home study (yet another reason to I needed a reason).
Hubby is still finding his balance now that he's no longer active duty military. I think he struggles some days. And the fact that his meds are being changed up have not helped at all. I've seen him sleep for 3 days straight to going days without sleep. I knew it was going to take adjusting when we got here. But I didn't realize it would be like this. My instincts want to take away all his pain and insecurities and struggles. But I've learned that I can't. This is something he has to deal with himself. But I'm trying the best I can to create a stable environment for him so he can have the security and comfort to make the adjustments he needs.
What else can I do? I'm here and I'm not leaving. So, I just do the best I can with what we've got.

I am feeling more creative lately. I've been trying to tap into that side of me since I've been home. Thinking about how I want things at home. How we can remodel the house. How I want to decorate. Maybe that's the therapy I need right now. I'm making this place ours. We've been gradually doing a few things here and there. Just gotta remind hubby that I know he wants things "adult size" but he's gotta remember when he hangs the mirror over the bathroom sink that I can't see in it if it's adult size. hahaha

Anywho...I'm off to do some laundry and get some things done. Plus it's waffle day. Time to make some waffles. ;)

later y'all!!!
